Stay informed by visiting our Driving News, Alerts, and Driving Freedoms Magazine compendiums.
Driving News is a day-to-day compilation of breaking news of importance to drivers around the country, organized in headline/capsule summary form to allow for easy browsing while also providing quick links to the full stories that are of most interest to you.
Alerts is where we post detailed information about pending actions at the national, state, and local levels that can affect our driving freedoms and provide a plan of action that you can follow to have a direct influence on events.
Driving Freedoms is the quarterly NMA members magazine that includes informative articles, features and opinions from NMA staff, members, and outside experts on issues affecting the motoring public. To receive a home copy of Driving Freedoms fresh off the presses, join the NMA to enjoy this and other valuable member benefits.
Note: If you are interested in Driving News and Alerts that are specific to your region, visit our state pages where you can also join online discussions with other motorists on an array of motorist topics.