Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $635 Million for 22 Bridge Projects Across the Country

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) today announced nearly $635 million for 22 small and medium-sized bridge projects in both rural and urban areas, from Maine to Mississippi to Arizona and Alaska.

These Are the Best Cars for Winter Driving

As anyone who has lived in regions that experience snow, sleet, hail, blizzards, and extreme cold temperatures will tell you, not just any car can take you where you need to go. During inclement weather, wheels and brakes can function differently than on dry roads. A driver’s visibility could be limited, and road signs and road markings can become covered.

Automation, speed limiters on former FMCSA deputy’s radar for 2025

Three federal rulemakings that have cost implications for truckers and motor carriers are on the short-term horizon for a former top official at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.  A proposed rule on autonomous driving systems (ADS), combined with a final rule on automatic emergency braking (AEB), and a proposed rule to set a federal top speed for trucks.

Auto loan debt hits crisis levels as Americans drown in car payments

A rising number of car owners owe more on their car than the vehicle’s worth, termed “negative equity.” A growing share of U.S. car owners are trading in vehicles with negative equity, and the amounts owed are reaching record highs.

Traffic court lawyers share what drivers need to know about red-light cameras

In the latest effort to try and make streets safer, the City of Phoenix continues to move forward with plans to bring back red-light cameras. Traffic court lawyers say drivers need to know a few things about their rights if they get a red-light camera ticket. Drivers should be aware of them before thinking paying the fine will make it go away.