How the White House influences transportation grantmaking
Priorities vary among administrations, an Urban Institute report found. “The president actually has substantial discretion over a lot of these programs,” a researcher said. Presidential administrations influence which transportation projects get funded by the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity discretionary grants and its predecessor programs.
Colorado transportation panel releases improvement plans
The Transportation Legislation Review Committee voted to advance bills that would impose additional vehicle registration fees and improve transit systems.
Why is the feds’ EV charger rollout so slow? These people know.
One part of President Joe Biden’s infrastructure agenda that has caused bipartisan frustration is the $5 billion effort to install electric vehicle chargers on highways. The much ballyhooed initiative is dragging. A tangle of interconnected issues has forced states to slow down.
Massive toll system changes on the way
The maximum tolls on Interstate 405 (I-405) and State Route 167 (SR 167) went up to $15 earlier this year, but it’s likely that rate will be going up again next year. Washington’s tolling system is going through a massive growth spurt, and there are going to be significant changes over the next year.
Washington state voters to decide on initiative intended to reduce fuel prices
Next month’s statewide ballot in Washington will include a question about whether to repeal a controversial cap-and-trade program, which is said to have resulted in higher fuel prices.