Board opposes increasing speed limit on Carmel Valley Road – San Diego Union-Tribune

California Speed Trap Law requires the city to survey the prevailing speeds on classified streets every seven years in order to keep speed limits …

Ga. lawmaker targets speed-trap towns, including 7 in CSRA – WRDW

Ga. lawmaker targets  …

Sens. Paul, Booker introduce bipartisan FAIR Act to reform forfeiture laws | Local News

Yet, under current civil asset forfeiture laws, Americans are being stripped of their property without ever being charged or convicted of a crime …

U.S. Attorney's Office Responsible for over $72 Million in Collections and … – AllOnGeorgia

… Forfeiture Fund through civil and criminal forfeiture actions handled by the office's Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section. Of the total …

Millions collected in civil, criminal actions | News |

That money goes into the DOJ's Assets Forfeiture Fund and gets used to restore funds to crime victims and for a variety of law enforcement purposes.