State Senator asking WBR residents not to pay tickets by Ward 2 constable
As many as 5,000 citations were written, with around 4,000 of them having been processed. District 17 State Senator Caleb Kleinpeter is asking people not to pay the tickets and said he is working with Attorney General Liz Murrill’s office to figure out how to reimburse people who may have already paid them.
D.C.’s no-right-turn-on-red law will have only partial enforcement due to funding shortfall
In 2022, the District of Columbia’s City Council passed a law that bans turning right on red citywide. Transit officials say a lack of money means the rule will be enforced at only some intersections.
Retired woman gets a $105 speeding ticket when her car was on the tow truck
This case has put the spotlight not only on how badly these systems fail, but also on the cameras that are located in economically disadvantaged areas. Apparently, the city council had already voted to remove these cameras, but they remain active and generating fines.
Experts predict C-V2X technology will slash traffic fatalities by 80%
Many say technology could be the driving force to keeping you safer behind the wheel. In 12 to 15 years, the majority of the cars in the U.S. may have C-V2X, or cellular vehicle to everything communications. This system would enable cars to detect and react to their surroundings, even through obstacles like corners or vegetation, by passively sensing the environment using radio frequency signals.
NBC 10 I-Team investigation shows red-light cameras curb crashes, but not always
A study found that cameras reduced the rate of deadly red light running crashes by 21% but rear-end crashes at some intersections jumped by about 15%. Red-light safety camera programs have dropped 36% nationwide in 2023 compared to 2012.