New Study Ranks Florida’s Deadliest Roads

The data collected analyzed over 180,000 in the USA from the NHTSA Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and narrowed it down to fatal accidents on Florida roadways.

Virginia lawmakers consider regulating police use of automated license plate readers

Common concerns that have emerged in Virginia and nationwide amid the rise in automated license plate reader use have been privacy and prevention of unreasonable searches and seizures by governments.

Fatality Data Analysis Indicates School Bus Safety in Comparison to Other Modes

Recent statistics compiled from various sources reveal an alarming trend of school bus crashes and school transportation-related traffic incidents over the last decade.

How will NYC congestion pricing work? MTA’s informational webinars begin Wednesday

The hour-long online presentations will explain the Congestion Pricing Relief Zone, as well as how the program benefits the region, discounts and exemptions and what people need to know before tolling begins on January 5.

“For nothing more than generating revenue,” Sheriff says of Speed Cameras

Emanuel County Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer took to social media Monday evening to voice his opposition to the City of Swainsboro’s decision to implement unmanned speed cameras inside the city limits. He stated the cameras violate the constitutional rights of drivers who have the right to face an accuser and take away the presumption of innocence.