“For nothing more than generating revenue,” Sheriff says of Speed Cameras

Emanuel County Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer took to social media Monday evening to voice his opposition to the City of Swainsboro’s decision to implement unmanned speed cameras inside the city limits. He stated the cameras violate the constitutional rights of drivers who have the right to face an accuser and take away the presumption of innocence.

Davenport considers changing speed-camera ordinance

City officials say that with fewer cameras, fewer fines are soon to follow, which means the city can expect less revenue. The city collected $7.9 million in fines from 2018 to 2022. It’s estimating a loss of $500,000 this year. So now the city wants to make sure each ticket issued counts.

Civil rights groups, law enforcement disagree on automated license plate readers

Automated license plate readers (ALPRs) are expected to be a hot topic during Virginia’s upcoming General Assembly session. Civil rights advocates and law enforcement officials agree on the need for oversight of the technology, but they differ on key issues, including privacy protections and data use.

New York county’s red-light cameras deactivated after accidents increased

While the number of crashes with injuries dropped where red-light cameras were installed, the total number of accidents rose over the program’s 14 years. Suffolk County’s new Republican administration claims the red-light cameras were never about safety, since most tickets were for turning right on red violations.

Crash prevention technology shows ‘huge potential,’ but the roadmap is up for debate

If you’ve bought a new car lately, it probably came loaded with safety features. The vast majority of cars now have automatic braking and other crash prevention technology built in. But there’s still room for improvement — and debate about their future rollout.