Why The Number Of Automotive Recalls Is Much Higher Than 20 Years Ago
Rather than there being one big reason, several key elements feed into the severe increase in car recalls. One of these is the sheer complexity of road-going cars in 2024 compared to 2004, for example. Aside from the complexity element, the fact that there are a greater number of electronic devices in vehicles means there is naturally more to go wrong.
Transportation Ballot Measures to Watch This November
Voters will weigh in on at least 18 ballot measures raising taxes to pay for transportation improvements. Transportation infrastructure is becoming more expensive to build.
Why Harris and Trump would both seek to limit this police property seizure power
This loophole in American law allows police to seize money or property on suspicion of criminal activity. These takings often help prop up local law enforcement budgets. Neither major party presidential candidate is currently talking about this issue or even acknowledging it on their websites. Harris, the current vice president and Democratic presidential nominee, might be expected to be more sympathetic to civil assets forfeiture reforms than GOP nominee Trump.
‘Safe and reliable solutions’: Buttigieg stresses the need for long-term repairs after Hurricane Helene
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg on Wednesday stressed the need to build resilient and safe roads and bridges after the extreme flooding caused by Helene last week in western North Carolina. In some cases, a temporary solution for road damage can be put in place while a more permanent and resilient solution will take months to complete.
Time to reset the transportation funding equation
Transportation funding in the U.S. is facing an ever-growing imbalance between the needs of the nation’s road and bridge network and the funds available to satisfy them. A reinvention of our transportation funding framework is on the horizon, and state and local governments, which today provide nearly a quarter of transportation funding, will play a critical role.