NMA Speed Cameras Fact Sheet ( PDF )
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Arizona Freeway Speed Cameras
This article describes some of the injustices created by the speed cameras installed on an Arizona freeway.

Photo Radar Technology Called Into Question
Read the story of an NMA member who found fault with his community’s photo radar devices. He prepared to fight his ticket and he won!

School Is Never Out For Speed Cameras
A popular way for ticket camera manufacturers to “get their foot in the door” and quiet the opposition to speed cameras in a city is to mention that the cameras will be installed in school zones.

BBC Speed Camera Crash Video Uncovered
This article highlights a British Broadcasting Corporation News broadcast that shows speed cameras causing crashes.

Majority Of Speed Camera Photos In Arizona Are Unusable
The Arizona Republic did an analysis of the speed camera program and concluded that the majority of photos had to be thrown out.

How To Give Out 178,000 Traffic Tickets And Accomplish Nothing
This article explains how Montgomery County, Maryland’s speed camera program only resulted in a 4 MPH drop in traffic speeds despite 178,000 tickets being given out.

Photo Radar Technical Information
This page describes the way that one type of photo radar system works from a technical standpoint.

States And Cities That Have Banned Ticket Cameras
The list of states and cities where red light cameras or speed cameras are prohibited under state law.

How One D.C. Newspaper Editorial Board Views Speed Cameras
Washington Times editorial on D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s proposal to fill a $172 million budget gap by installing additional speed cameras.