NMA Position on Roadblocks ( PDF )
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Motorists are one of the largest special interest groups in the world. The number of licensed drivers in the United States and Canada – over 250 million – dwarfs the population of most countries.

Drivers’ rights don’t just occur naturally. To protect the driving public from excessive tolls, fees, and fines and to ensure that motorists retain the due process rights afforded all citizens, it takes an organization dedicated to the task. That organization is, and has been for the past 38 years, the National Motorists Association (NMA).

The NMA’s strength as a grassroots advocacy organization – our ability to effectively lobby federal, state, and local governments for change – is derived from our membership. Join the NMA and become an agent of change on behalf of the motoring public.

More Information:
Full NMA Position On Roadblocks

Full NMA Position On Roadblocks

This article outlines the NMA's position on roadblocks and explains why no free society should allow this kind of tactic from its government.
5 Things You Need To Know About Roadblocks

5 Things You Need To Know About Roadblocks

This article from the NMA Blog answers some common questions that drivers have about roadblocks and how to respond to them.
The 4th Amendment Is Dead

The 4th Amendment Is Dead

An article by NMA President, James Baxter, that describes the unfortunate way that the court system has dealt with roadblocks and other 4th amendment issues.
5 Federal Cases That Weakened The 4th Amendment

5 Federal Cases That Weakened The 4th Amendment

This article examines five federal court cases were instrumental in weakening the 4th amendment to allow the use of roadblocks as a law enforcement tool.
Roadblock Registry

Roadblock Registry

A site run by the NMA that is devoted solely to the issue of roadblocks. Users can post roadblock locations that they know of in their area.