Miscellaneous Articles
More Information:
Making Sense of Highway Crash Data
In order to discuss the issue of highway fatalities, it is crucial to understand the differences between the terms "fatalities," "fatality rate," and the "fatal accident rate."

What Determines Traffic Citations?
A study out of George Mason University attempts to answer this question.

Newly Timed Traffic Signals Save Motorists Money
A high-tech computerized system of controlling the timing of traffic signals in Macomb County, Michigan saved drivers approximately $2 million in gasoline costs.

DOT Numbering Requirements
This article has information on a collection of Department of Transportation regulations that impact car, boat, and horse enthusiasts.

Better Roads Save Lives
Road improvements can significantly reduce traffic accidents, fatalities and injuries.
The Realities of Racial Profiling
A collection of facts and anecdotes demonstrating the very real problem of racial profiling during traffic stops.

The Supreme Court And Racial Profiling
As incidents of racial profiling escalated, the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourth Amendment became less protective of individuals' rights.

Oakland County Signal Retiming Study
A study in Oakland County, Michigan showed that retiming the traffic signals had a benefit-cost ratio of 175:1 and 55:1 respectively for each of the two phases of the project.