Wisconsin Laser Use
For years, the foundation has wanted to challenge the admissibility of laser readings in speeding cases. Our goal was to find a defendant who had a relatively clean record and would not be willing to let the case drop, even if it meant a dismissal. (After all, we are looking for a precedent to benefit all motorists, not just a “not guilty” verdict for one person.)
We found that defendant when NMA President Jim Baxter’s own wife, Nancy, received an unjustified laser ticket under the perfect conditions necessary for our challenge. In December 2005, the case went to trial.
The NMA Foundation’s laser expert Henry Roberts was on hand, testifying for the defense. After hearing testimony from both sides, the judge ordered written closing arguments.
The attorney representing Nancy in April 2006 submitted his brief. The prosecution still has time to file a response before the judge makes his decision.
Even if Nancy is found guilty, the foundation is considering an appeal. Ultimately, this case could establish basic standards of use that police using laser will have to follow in Wisconsin and perhaps beyond.
Our rights are too important to leave to chance. Help support cases like Nancy’s now!