Home Private: Forums NMA Legislative Alerts Immediate Attention: Ask PA State House Members to vote NO on HB606—police LIDAR

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    • #176822106
      Shelia at NMA

      Dear NMA Pennsylvania Members,

      The state’s House Transportation will vote on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, on HB606, a bill to allow municipal police to use radar, and LIDAR will come up.

      HB606 will NOT require 85th percentile speed limits. It does allow tickets at a mere 6 mph over the speed limit. Calibration requirements for all speed-timing devices are weakened. Why not ensure the devices are regularly calibrated?

      The wording is confusing, as the bill rewrites many definitions, and it would authorize some devices not currently permitted in the state. Many past radar bills had safeguards for drivers, but this bill does not.

      To ensure that drivers’ rights are protected, it would be helpful to urge a vote of NO on HB 606. Consider contacting all of your officials, just in case this bill moves quickly. Find your PA representative and PA senator here, and contact Governor Wolf here. We will send you another alert if this bill makes it out of committee.

      When you contact your elected representatives, you may also want to convey that you are opposed to automated traffic enforcement and want those laws repealed.

      Also, the Pennsylvania NMA email group is still looking for new members. An NMA life member from PA writes this email. Once enrolled, you can control the settings or quit if you like. Typically there are one to three emails per week. The emails mainly consist of driving news in Pennsylvania and what you can do about it. You cannot find this info anywhere else. Be in the loop quickly, so you can do something about it, rather than reading about a bad bill passing and being sad you missed out on being able to stop it.

      You can contact the NMA here and ask to be in the PA email group. Your email address will be sent to the group’s owner, and he will invite you to join. This is open to dues-paying NMA members. If you have any concerns, you can speak to the group’s owner.

      The strength of the NMA is in its members. We are much stronger when we work together.

      Thank you for supporting the rights of motorists in Pennsylvania.


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