Home Private: Forums NMA Legislative Alerts CALL IMMEDIATELY to Oppose VA SB 1716 that would put tolls on Interstate 81

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    • #176732340
      Shelia at NMA

      Dear Virginia NMA Members,

      Our friends at the Alliance for Toll Free Interstates or ATFI have alerted us to the fact that SB 1716 has been added to the committee docket for tomorrow’s meeting in the Senate Transportation Committee (last item on the list of a long list of bills). They plan to meet tomorrow 15 minutes after adjournment (so likely sometime after 1pm).

      SB 1716 would place tolls on Interstate 81.

      Given the speed in which the bill is moving, contact your Virginia elected representatives to oppose this bill by clicking https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/ to find state senator and give them a call opposing tolls.

      ATFI also has a website with more information: http://www.keeptollsoff81.com

      Here is the link to the NMA’s information on opposing Tolls: /issues/tolls/

      Thank you for your support of motorist rights in Virginia and beyond!

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