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Good data is the key to a successful future for automated vehicles in Iowa
March 1, 2018 • Misc

Cyclists seeking to hit the brakes on Iowa bill
February 27, 2018 • Misc

Traffic camera ban passes Iowa Senate
February 27, 2018 • Misc

Legislative Update: Speed Cameras In Indiana, Iowa And Virginia
February 27, 2018 • Misc

Ignition interlock devices would be required under drunk driving law advanced in Iowa Senate
February 26, 2018 • Misc

Poll: Voters are split on raising the gas tax
February 20, 2018 • Misc

Drivers, not taxpayers, should cover Iowa’s road funding shortfall
February 16, 2018 • Misc

Governor says she supports transportation ‘equalization’
February 15, 2018 • Misc

Most Charges in ICE Criminal Crackdown Related To Traffic Offenses
February 14, 2018 • Misc

Trump urges GOP to consider a 25-cent hike in the gas tax
February 14, 2018 • Misc
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