If you support the goals of the National Motorists Association to work toward a) realistic speed limits, b) the elimination of ticket cameras and speed traps, and c) the enactment of traffic laws enforced for safety and not for revenue, you can make a significant difference by helping us receive a financial grant for our nonprofit National Motorists Association Foundation.
Chase, through its Community Giving program, will award grants to nonprofits totaling $5 million, based on which 501(c)(3) groups get the most online votes. At this point in the voting – it began on September 6th – the NMA Foundation is unlikely to receive enough votes to get the top $250,000 grant, but Chase is also giving out grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 to 195 other top vote-getting nonprofits. With your strong support, we can get one of those other valuable grants to aid our efforts in education, research, and litigation against unfair traffic laws and for highway safety improvements.
Voting is going on right now and will continue through September 19, 2012. Please take a few minutes right now and register your vote for the nonprofit National Motorists Association Foundation. Here’s how:
1) If you use Facebook, simply go to http://tinyurl.com/vote-NMAF/ and click on the green “vote” button. You will receive instructions on how to receive two votes, one that you can place for the NMA Foundation and another for a separate nonprofit nominee of your choice.
2) If you have a Chase online account for your credit card or finance package, click on http://www.chasegiving.com/ where again you will receive two votes and instructions to register them. Be sure to use the search function to find “National Motorists Association Foundation Inc.” and to place your vote for us.
There are some notable recent successes for driving freedoms. The Ohio Turnpike is now posted at 70 mph and their safety statistics have improved after that change. Maine opened up a stretch of highway to a 75 mph speed limit. The NMA’s National Speed Trap Exchange now has close to 80,000 identified enforcement zones, thanks to a strong interest by the driving public to caution fellow motorists about where to avoid getting a ticket. Close to 50 cities around the country have dropped their red-light and/or speed camera programs because of a lack of public support and decreasing ticket revenue.
Our push, along with that from several law enforcement agencies, for proper highway and traffic engineering is succeeding. More and more communities are establishing traffic laws that recognize the value of responsible driving behaviors as opposed to perpetuating the heavy-handed “fear and control” methods that have prevailed for several decades.
Please vote now for the NMA Foundation by clicking on the link above that is appropriate for your situation. And please pass this information on to friends and colleagues who enjoy the pleasure of driving responsibly without the constant worry of “gotcha” speed traps or automated ticketing schemes. Just click on the headline of this blog and copy and paste the URL in your browser window for a customized link that you can forward.
Remember, you only have until September 19th to make your vote count.
The National Motorists Association Foundation Board of Directors
Casey Raskob, Chairman
Jim Thomas, Vice Chairman
Jim Walker, Executive Director
Steve Donaldson, Treasurer
Aarne Frobom, Secretary
Steve Carrellas
John Holevoet
Ivan Sever