Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Redflex Tries To Win Back Shareholders
Only a few years ago, Redflex Traffic Systems was at the top of its game. Stock analysts saw unlimited growth potential in the Australian firm that once operated more red-light cameras and speed cameras in the United States than anyone else. Redflex was so confident about its bright future that it rebuffed Macquarie Bank’s 2011 buyout offer at $2.75 a share.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Illinois: Chicago Police Investigator Sues Cops Over Traffic Stop
It is never a good sign when a police officer turns off his dashcam in the middle of a traffic stop. That is what happened in Chicago, Illinois after officers realized that they had pulled over no ordinary driver.
Monday, September 28, 2015
France, Germany: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Smashed, Scorched
In Donzere, France, vigilantes disabled a speed camera on Saturday by covering its lenses with red paint. The same device on the D541 had previously been completely covered in red paint on August 20, according to Le Dauphine. The same fate befell the speed camera in Tossiat, Le Progres reported, as red spraypaint covered the lenses on the automated ticketing machine on the RD1075. In Rillan, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera between Plaintel and Saint Brandan on Tuesday, according to Ouest France.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Texas: ATS Returns To Court To Block Anti-Camera Vote
American Traffic Solutions (ATS) was back in court Thursday to persuade a Texas Court of Appeals panel that the public should not be allowed to decide whether their community uses red-light cameras. The company successfully used the courts to block a referendum effort from reaching the ballot in Cleveland, even though camera opponents had a properly certified charter amendment proposal that the city council voted to put on the May 10, 2014 ballot.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Oklahoma Court: Motorists May Not Resist Illegal Traffic Stops
If a police officer stops an Oklahoma motorist on a bogus charge, the driver must submit. The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals came to that conclusion on Friday as it found Nathan Charles Nelson guilty of obstruction for walking away from a cop who had improperly stopped him for failing to use his turn signal on March 19, 2014.