In this week’s Roundup!
–Florida Supremes say police may detain passengers–
–Iowa Supremes hears Speed Cam Due Process Case–
–Solana Beach, CA recontracts with Redflex–
Friday, September 22, 2017
Florida Supreme Court Says Police May Detain Innocent Passengers
Passengers in automobiles that are pulled over for minor traffic violations are not free to leave the scene, the Florida Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. The justices insisted that it did not violate constitutional rights to hold a passenger not suspected of any wrongdoing for a “reasonable” time.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Iowa Supreme Court Hears Speed Camera Due Process Complaints
Do speed cameras violate a driver’s right to equal protection of the laws? The Iowa Supreme Court took up the question on Wednesday, weighing whether the city of Cedar Rapids set up an unlawful system to adjudicate disputes over the automated tickets issued to motorists passing through on Interstate 380 and six intersection locations within the city.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
California Town Sticks With Embattled Red-Light Camera Vendor
The majority of California cities that have tried red-light cameras have dropped them, but not Solana Beach. The San Diego suburb’s city council skipped public discussion and unanimously voted to renew its photo ticketing deal with Redflex Traffic Systems. Experts reviewing the deal found it made little sense on a financial or safety basis.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
New Mexico: Federal Judge Slaps Down Implausible Traffic Stop
Prosecutors around the country have been pushing the limits with the reasoning used to justify traffic stops. Ever since the US Supreme Court’s Heien ruling gave the green light to police to be wrong about the law when pulling over motorists, rulings that result in suppression of evidence have grown increasingly rare. Last week, a federal judge in New Mexico decided that prosecutors had pushed too far.
Monday, September 18, 2017
France, Luxembourg, Malaysia: Speed Cameras Removed From Service
In Tangkak, Malaysia, vigilantes knocked over a speed camera on the North-South Expressway, ripped open the housing and grabbed the electronics last week Sunday, according to Free Malaysia Today.