Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Colorado Town May Vote To Outlaw Speed Cameras
Sheridan, Colorado may soon add itself to the growing list of cities where residents have banned automated ticketing machines. Last week the group Ban It Sheridan turned in enough signatures to place the issue on the next ballot in the Denver suburb, but a vote is not a certainty yet.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Air Force Officer Challenges Suspicionless Roadblocks
The US Supreme Court will decide next week whether it will hear the appeal of a US Air Force major who was detained for more than half an hour at an immigration roadblock 67 miles from the border with Mexico. Richard Rynearson filed his last brief in the case, hoping that the high court’s eight justices would overturn the US Court of Appeals decision that endorsed Rynearson’s March 18, 2010 detention.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Australia, France, Luxembourg, Malta: Speed Cameras Destroyed
Vigilantes in the tiny country of Luxembourg disabled a speed camera shortly after it had been installed last week. According to ADW, the device on the N24 near Beckerich had its lenses smashed. It will cost 964 euros (US $1045) to repair.
Friday, March 4, 2016
West Virginia Supreme Court Shuts Down Random Stops
Motorists who have done nothing wrong will no longer be pulled over by police in West Virginia. The state’s highest court last week overturned the conviction of Matthew Feicht, who was pulled over even though he had committed no traffic violations. Although Feicht’s case involves no new question of law, the unanimous decision caused state police officials to stop pulling over drivers randomly so that they could receive various gifts from a police “Santa Stop.”
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Colorado Moves To Restrict Red-Light Cameras
Lawmakers are trying a second time to rein in the use of red-light cameras in Colorado. The General Assembly last year placed bill on the governor’s desk that outlawed both speed cameras and red-light cameras outright, along with a separate measure that would have let voters in each city decide on the issue in a referendum. Citing the “tight budgets” of local governments, Governor John Hickenlooper (D) vetoed both bills. The state House responded on Tuesday by advancing a more modest measure that would limit the locations where red-light cameras could be installed. The bill passed the lower chamber on a 33 to 31 vote.