Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Illinois DOT Busted Over Red-Light Camera Spreadsheet
The Illinois Department of Transportation’s attempt to keep information about its red-light camera program secret by locking an Excel spreadsheet has backfired. The state’s second-highest court last week ruled the move violated the state’s freedom of information laws and ordered the agency pay an anti-camera activist $12,561 in compensation.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Canada: City To Pay $200k For Photo Radar Propaganda Campaign
City leaders in Winnipeg, Canada are afraid photo radar opponents are winning the debate over the effectiveness of automated enforcement. The city has put a $200,000 contract out for bid for any company that can come up with a three-year plan to boost the public’s perception of speed cameras. Proposals are due by June 21.
Monday, June 03, 2013
Oregon: Jesus Malverde Medallion Did Not Justify Traffic Stop
The Oregon Court of Appeals on Thursday rejected the argument that an image of Jesus Malverde in an automobile is suspicious enough to warrant a search for drugs. A three-judge panel rejected the justification Oregon State Police Trooper Wells provided after pulling over a Toyota 4Runner on Interstate 5. When Trooper Wells came to the window to ask Manuel Meza-Garcia for his license and registration, the trooper’s suspicion was heightened after he noticed something near the windshield.
Sunday, June 02, 2013
France, UK: Speed Cameras Set On Fire
Vigilantes in Norfolk, England set fire to a speed camera at 11:20pm last Sunday. This is the third time that the camera on A1067 Fakenham Road in the village of Taverham has been burned, the Norwich Evening News reported. In North Yorkshire, a man slashed the tires of a an automated number plate recognition (ANPR) camera van on May 18. The vans are used to track the movement of the public and sometimes issue citations in the mail for minor infractions. According to the Northern Echo, the device was on the side of the A171 near Whitby when an unidentified individual cut two of the van’s tires.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Speed Cameras Tear Apart Ohio Town
The village of Elmwood Place, Ohio can no longer perform all the functions of local government, thanks to speed cameras. Four of the village’s six councilmen have resigned over the way automated ticketing machines are used, and without a quorum the village can no longer take any actions. It faces a court contempt hearing on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Washington: Initiative To Stop Light Rail Heads To Court
Residents of Vancouver, Washington want a chance to stop a billion-dollar streetcar project that will raid gas tax receipts and take valuable road space away from motorists. The county auditor certified that a sufficient number of the city’s voters signed a petition demanding the vote, but the city council earlier this month declined to comply with its legal duty to place the measure on the November 5 ballot. Last week, proponents of the referendum asked a Clark County judge to intervene on behalf of residents.