Roundup: January 9, 2013

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Redflex Traffic Systems Sued Over Anti-Australian Bias
A former red-light camera company sales manager is suing Redflex Traffic Systems claiming she was fired for having an Australian accent. Catherine Petzel was responsible for convincing small towns in the Ohio region to embrace the use of automated ticketing machines. Her plight is rather unusual, considering Redflex is based in Melbourne, Australia though its US operations are handled in Phoenix, Arizona under the direction of Redflex board member Karen Finley.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Pennsylvania: Judge Throws Out Breath Machine Evidence
A judge in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania last week delivered a bombshell decision finding evidence provided by breath machines to be inaccurate outside a narrow range. After hearing extensive testimony from expert witnesses, the Court of Common Pleas judge found it was not appropriate for charges of “high rate” driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) be established by providing a printout from a machine displaying a high number.

Monday, January 07, 2013
New York: Appeals Court Upholds Right to Flip Off Cop
Motorists may freely express their displeasure at a speed trap using their middle finger, the Second Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled Thursday. A three-judge panel allowed a malicious prosecution lawsuit to proceed against police officers who arrested a man because he flipped them off.

Sunday, January 06, 2013
Arizona, Germany, Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Crashed Into, Blown Up, Decorated
Opponents of automated enforcement like to point out that speed cameras do nothing to catch drunk drivers and other serious offenders. A 25-year-old man made this point on New Year’s Day in Tuscon, Arizona by crashing into a photo radar van on North Campbell Avenue, as reported in the Arizona Daily Star.

Friday, January 04, 2013
Florida: Changing Car Color Does Not Justify Traffic Stop
Courts in Florida are now split on the question of whether motorists should be subjected to stop and search simply because they repainted their car in a new color. Last year, the Fourth District Court of Appeal said yes, they should be stopped. On December 21, the First District Court of Appeal came to the opposite conclusion.

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