Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Virginia: Engineer Slams Short Yellow For Red-Light Camera Turns
Cities in Virginia are short-changing motorists at intersections, and a professional engineer is asking the legislature to do something about it. Joe Bahen will testify before a House of Delegates subcommittee later today about what he says is a dangerous shortening of yellow warning time at signals monitored by red-light cameras. While he says localities enjoy increased profit from this policy, the intersections become far more dangerous. He has the calculations to back up his claim.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Ohio Appeals Court Green Lights Class Action Suit Over Photo Tickets
Photo enforcement companies are in trouble in Ohio. A class action suit is proceeding to refund all speed camera tickets issued in Elmwood Place, and the state Supreme Court has repeatedly rebuffed the town’s pleas to intervene. Last Thursday, the state’s second highest court gave the green light for a class action suit against Cleveland’s red-light camera and speed camera program.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Redflex Bribery Scandal Spreads Nationwide
The Redflex bribery scheme is widespread and ongoing, according to the Australian photo enforcement firm’s former executive vice president, Aaron M. Rosenberg. Local Officials in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Tennessee and Washington received gifts and other financial incentives intended to encourage them to do business with Redflex.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Italy: Unpopular Speed Cameras Spraypainted
Vigilantes in Scorze, Italy spraypainted the lenses of the Velo OK brand speed cameras on the Via Liguria and the Via Ponte Nuovo. Venezia Today reports the Via Ponte Nuovo camera also had a message insulting the local government spraypainted on it.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Maryland: Audit Finds Thousands Of Inaccurate Speed Camera Citations
Motorists in Maryland have been receiving tens of thousands of illegal and inaccurate photo radar citations. According to an audit report performed on behalf of the city of Baltimore, upwards on ten percent of speed camera tickets issued were bogus. That represents a doubling of an earlier admission by the speed camera operator Xerox that the error rate was 5.2 percent. Other jurisdictions have run into similar problems.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
US Supreme Court Considers Traffic Stop Informants
Can a motorist be pulled over merely because an anonymous individual called with a “tip” to set him up with a roadside police encounter? The US Supreme Court weighed the question Tuesday, hearing oral arguments in the case Navarette v. California.