Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
West Virginia Front Seat Passenger Busted For Riding Under The Influence
Motorists in West Virginia will lose their right to drive if someone else drives their car while drunk. The state Supreme Court of Appeals on Friday in a 3 to 2 decision upheld the administrative penalty imposed on Jason F. Uhl, whose crime was riding in the passenger seat of his SUV while someone else was driving it under the influence of alcohol (DUI).
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Missouri: ATS Settles Illegal Red-Light Camera Tickets
American Traffic Solutions (ATS) began issuing red-light camera tickets in Missouri nearly a decade ago knowing what it was doing was illegal. Lawyers hired by the firm advised against acting without legislative authorization, but ATS pressed forward anyway, eager to seize the “first mover” advantage. ATS did lock up most of Missouri’s contracts, and the firm’s less daring competitors missed out. Now ATS is paying for its haste in the form of a partial refund.
Monday, January 12, 2015
California Appeal Court Finds Red-Light Cameras Unreliable
Legal controversy continues to dog California’s automated enforcement programs, despite the best effort of state lawmakers to encourage photo ticketing. The second-highest court in California decided Thursday that the red-light camera program in Riverside “did not produce reliable evidence” in rejecting the $500 citation that Redflex, a private, for-profit vendor, had mailed to Viktors Andris Rekte.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Blown Up
On Friday, vigilantes spraypainted a speed camera on the RN102 in Salzuit, France, Le Progres reported. In Reggio Emilia, Italy, firecrackers were used to blow up a speed camera last week Sunday. According to ANSA, vigilantes cracked open the camera housing, and inserted the incendiary devices.
Friday, January 09, 2015
Red Ink Mounts At Redflex
Embattled photo ticketing provider Redflex Traffic Systems expects it will lose $12 million from legal changes in two states. The company earlier today announced to the Australian Securities Exchange that twelve percent of the firm’s revenue stream has dried up because of increasing dissatisfaction with the concept of automated ticketing.
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Missouri: Public Fights Back Against Red-Light Camera Cities
Residents who led the successful ballot initiative to ban red-light cameras and speed cameras in St. Charles, Missouri are now fighting back at three cities that are attempting to use the courts to thwart the will of voters. Carl Bearden and Dan Rakers on Monday filed to intervene in the circuit court case brought by St. Peters, Lake Saint Louis and O’Fallon to overturn the charter amendment banning automated enforcement adopted in November by 73 percent of the vote.