Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Arizona Photo Radar Ban Clears First Hurdle
The movement to outlaw photo enforcement in Arizona advanced on Tuesday with a 5-4 vote in the state House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Members favorably reported a measure that repeals the existing state authorization for the use of red-light cameras and speed cameras.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Ohio Appeals Court Tosses Speed Camera Ticket
Fighting city hall is notoriously difficult because municipalities can throw nearly limitless taxpayer resources into the defense of a mere traffic ticket. So it was in Cleveland, Ohio as the city’s lawyers turned to every procedural trick to extract $100 from Fordham E. Huffman, a motorist cited by a speed camera. The city took the controversy all the way to the state’s second highest court, which decided last Thursday to reject the desperate attempt to save the citation.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Australia, France, Italy, Sweden, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled, Disappear
In Blacksta, Sweden, vigilantes ripped a speed camera out of the ground and dumped it about a mile away from its original location on Wednesday. According to Upsala Nya Tidning, tire tracks at the scene on road 272 suggest a truck had been used to pull the automated ticketing machine down. Officials have no idea who might be responsible.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Ohio Supreme Court Delays Suit Against Illegal Photo Tickets
A divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the Court of Appeals jumped the gun when it allowed a class action case to proceed against the speed camera program in Cleveland. In the fourteen-page technical ruling, the justices said the appellate court decided a matter that had not been fully considered at the trial level and sent it back for further proceedings. The move will delay a case that has bounced around the courts for the past six years.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Washington Initiative Strikes Back At Auto Registration Fees
Washington state voters have a chance to tell lawmakers in Olympia to stop raising automobile registration fees. The activists at Voters Want More Choices took to the capitol building on Monday to launch Initiative 1421, entitled “Bring back our $30 car tabs” to fight the gradual addition of fees and taxes to the cost of registering a car. The measure would state unambiguously that state and local governments may not charge more than $30 a year to register a car, motorcycle or motor home, thwarting state and local plans to raise fees in July.