Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Congressman Pushes $27 Billion Tax Hike On Drivers
The leading advocate of bicycling in the US Congress wants drivers to pay an extra $27 billion a year at the gas pump. US Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) this morning will hold a press conference to unveil his legislative proposal to add 15 cents to the existing 18.4 cent tax on gasoline. The new revenue would be sent to the Highway Trust Fund to back a massive increase in spending on bicycle paths, light rail and related transit programs. In the long term, Blumenauer would like to replace the gas tax with per-mile tax on drivers, and he would spend $150 million to promote the concept.
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Iowa Appellate Judge Upholds Anti-Traffic Camera Ruling
The days of speed camera use in Sioux City, Iowa may be numbered. In the face of widening criticism from state officials, including Governor Terry Branstad (R), the city last month lost its appeal of a decision that found the ordinance establishing the automated ticketing program failed to establish the guilt of the accused.
Monday, December 02, 2013
Ohio Court: Polite Drivers Are Not Suspicious
The second highest court in Ohio decided on Wednesday that police have no business searching a motorist during a routine traffic stop for being too polite. The Court of Appeals suppressed the evidence that allowed police to seize a .40 caliber Sig Sauer and a small bag of marijuana from Joshua A. Fontaine at 2:27 am on December 12, 2012.
Sunday, December 01, 2013
Australia, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Swiped, Scorched, Sprayed
In Sant’Angelo di Piove, Italy, vigilantes set fire to a speed camera at 2am last week Sunday. According to Il Mattino di Padova, a tire placed around the base of the camera was used to fuel the blaze.
Friday, November 29, 2013
California Supreme Court Outlaws Science In DUI Cases
Scientific evidence cannot be brought into evidence to challenge a borderline conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) in California. The state Supreme Court last week rejected Terry Vangelder’s attempt to clear his name after he was arrested for drunk driving though he showed few signs of impairment in field sobriety tests.