Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Kansas Court Declares Plastic Bags Suspicious
The second highest court in Kansas declared last week that anyone driving with a torn plastic baggie is most likely involved in the drug trade and can be searched without a warrant. The state Court of Appeals came to this conclusion in upholding the conviction of Cameron Howard, who was found not with drugs but a lawfully purchased firearm.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
US Supreme Cout Allows Traffic Stop Searches When No Law Violated
Police officer may stop and search drivers who have done absolutely nothing wrong. In an 8 to 1 decision Monday, the US Supreme Court ruled that a police officer can be wrong about a traffic law being violated, but the stop will be upheld as valid as long as he the officer’s mistake was “reasonable.”
Monday, December 15, 2014
Missouri: Red-Light Cameras Could Be Put To A Statewide Vote
The Missouri General Assembly has never approved the use of red-light cameras or speed cameras, leaving the state Supreme Court to decide whether the laws of the Show Me state can be interpreted in a way that allows automated ticketing. State Representative Paul Curtman wants to take that decision out of the hands of unelected judges and place it in the hands of voters.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
France: Speed Cameras Spraypainted Again
Vigilantes in Epenoy, France disabled a speed camera Thursday morning. According to Plein Air, purple spraypaint was used to cover the camera lenses. This was the fourth time this particular device has been attacked this year.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Ohio General Assembly Passes Illusory Speed Camera Ban
The Ohio House of Representatives passed legislation that would outlaw red-light cameras and speed cameras, but this legislation will not be headed to Governor John Kasich’s desk for his signature. Instead, the House voted 55 to 35 on Thursday to approve the Senate-passed “ban” on cameras that does not actually do anything to prevent camera use and contains many provisions that benefit the automated ticketing industry.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Illinois: Guilty Plea In Redflex Bribery Trial
Corruption in the Chicago, Illinois red-light camera program is no longer “alleged,” it is fact. On Wednesday, Martin O’Malley appeared before US District Judge Virginia M. Kendall to say that he was part of a conspiracy to bribe Chicago officials on behalf of Redflex Traffic Systems, the Australian company that provides automated ticketing services.