The Weekly Roundup blog post will now appear on Mondays with stories featured from the following week. We hope reading this roundup will get you started on the right foot every week in learning a little bit more in the world of motorists’ rights! To check out all the Driving News find us on the National Motorists Association website at, then click News!
Friday, September 2, 2016
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Suit Against Florida Cameras
A class action lawsuit against against the seventy-two towns that have used red-light cameras in Florida will now proceed after the Eleventh Circuit US Court of Appeals gave the green light on Wednesday. The suit seeks refunds for automated tickets issued in violation of state law, which requires screening of violations by police officers, not employees of private vendors like American Traffic Solutions (ATS).
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Study: Recessions Are Good For Traffic Safety
Traffic fatalities have fallen steadily since the 1970s. Politicians often claim credit for this ongoing improvement in safety by citing various government programs were the key to success. An analysis by researchers from the Brookings Institution and the University of Houston to be published in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty finds the economic impact of recessions is what has had the greatest influence on accident rates.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Redflex Slows Its Financial Losses
Redflex Traffic Systems has hit hard times, with its former top executives and employees facing serious prison time for fraud. The Australian company reported some good news today as it only lost $4.7 million last year, compared to the $31.9 million in red ink racked up in 2015.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Redflex Lobbyist Jailed, Bribe Taker Sentenced
John P. Raphael became the first participant in the unfolding red-light camera scandal to be put behind bars last week. The 61-year-old lobbyist for Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia on Thursday began serving his sentence at Williamsburg Federal Correctional Institute in Salter, South Carolina wearing a jumpsuit stamped with his new identity, prisoner number 73379-061.
Monday, August 29, 2016
France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Trashed, Torched
In Saint-Etienne-de-Valoux, France, vigilantes on Friday tagged the speed camera on the RD82 with spraypaint, according to Le Dauphine. After this, they shoved a large trash can into the camera housing. In Cametours, vigilantes covered the speed camera on the RD972 with white spraypaint, Ouest France reported.