Today is the last day of the National Motorists Association’s Driver Courtesy Month. If you have read the Driving in America Blog over the last four weeks, you will know that this year, the NMA’s Driver Education Committee has been working with freelance animator John Weeden to produce 15 different driver courtesy animations. We encourage you on this last day to always make driver courtesy the cornerstone habit of your driving!
The animations are not yet done, Next September, be prepared to see 15 more animations during Driver Courtesy Month 2023.
If you would like to see all 15 of the 2022 animations, click here. Check out the last three animations below:
Pass with Purpose
When passing another vehicle, be courteous by doing it with purpose. No dilly-dallying allowed.
Give Space
Leave adequate space for other road users such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and scooter riders. It’s the safe and courteous thing to do, and in many places, it’s the law.
Curb your Road Rage
Don’t let road rage build up in yourself or others; be courteous to fellow motorists every time you drive.
Ongoing driver education is the responsibility of every motorist. Make it a habit to check in with yourself and how you are driving. You know what to do—drive courteously every time you drive!
Thank you for your support of Driver Courtesy Month 2022 and of the National Motorists Association!