The National Motorists Association receives more calls for speeding ticket help from Massachusetts than from any other state. So, we thought it appropriate to feature the Bay State in our new semi-regular blog feature highlighting speed trap activity around the country.
This information comes from the NMA’s National Speed Trap Exchange (, a unique website that gives drivers an opportunity to report on and exchange comments about predatory speed traps they have encountered on their travels.
The purpose of The National Speed Trap Exchange is to inform drivers about what to expect on the road because well-informed drivers are safer drivers. Once every few weeks, we’ll shine a spotlight on a state or province by listing the top ten cities and top five specific locations for speed trap activity in that state or province.
We encourage you to send a link to this blog to those you know who live or travel in Massachusetts. You just may save someone from an undeserved speeding ticket.
Five Highest Activity Speed Trap Locations
1. Lowell: Lowell connector Road
126 reports 99.2% acknowledgement rate*
“Lowell Connector north has a speed limit of 55mph and 2000 ft before the end the speed limit drops to 30mph. The road takes a curve and a slope before this exit and the local police park right after exit 5A where it is impossible to see because of the curve/slope.”
2. Springfield: I-291W Expressway near I-91S Expressway
67 reports 95.5% acknowledgement rate
“I-291 W drops to 45mph and dips under a bridge. They see you before you see them.”
3. Worcester: Mill Street Road near June Street
63 reports 100.0% acknowledgement rate
“The road is divided by a median strip and has 2 lanes on each side. A driver has the feeling that he is on a highway but he is in a residential area. SLOW down and crawl through.”
4. Lowell: Industrial Avenue near Exit Number 3
61 reports 86.9% acknowledgement rate
“The police will park their cars right under the Lowell Connector and watch to make sure you come to a complete stop at exit 3 coming in bound into Lowell, once you get right off the ramp a police officer is usually parked right under the overpass and will pull you over if you don’t make a complete stop at the stop sign. They are usually there from late afternoon into early evening sporadically.”
5. Charlestown: Tobin Bridge Tunnel Lane
50 reports 90.0% acknowledgement rate
“After you pass through the tolls and decline down the ramp and begin to enter that small tunnel, they are there waiting pulling over as many as 4 cars at one time. Minimum ticket is usually $200. The posted speed limit is 30mph, going 40 is slow enough, but the average car travels approx 50-60mph upon entering this area, so they always win. It’s no longer about safety; it’s about generating revenue. Research the accident frequency in that area then decide for yourself.”
Ten Massachusetts Cities with Most Reported Speed Traps (for the Last Five Years)
1. Boston (48 speed traps / 72.6% acknowledgement rate*)
2. Worcester (41 speed traps / 91.5% acknowledgement rate)
3. Weymouth (28 speed traps / 87.7% acknowledgement rate)
4. Lowell (26 speed traps / 95.8% acknowledgement rate)
5. Springfield (24 speed traps / 81.2% acknowledgement rate)
6. Lynn (23 speed traps / 95.4% acknowledgement rate)
7. Newton (22 speed traps / 93.7% acknowledgement rate)
Cambridge (22 speed traps / 73.1% acknowledgement rate)
9. Duxbury (19 speed traps / 100.0% acknowledgement rate)
10. Wellesley (18 speed traps / 85.4% acknowledgement rate)
Chelmsford (18 speed traps / 85.4% acknowledgement rate)
Dracut (18 speed traps / 82.4% acknowledgement rate)
Somerville (18 speed traps / 81.9% acknowledgement rate)
* Acknowledgement rate is the ratio of yes votes to total votes by motorists of whether the reported locations, in their opinions, are actually speed traps. Data are available at the links provided.
About The National Speed Trap Exchange
With the development of The National Speed Trap Exchange ( more than 10 years ago, the National Motorists Association pioneered the use of interactive media to alert motorists to potential speed trap activity in their communities. Since then the site has reported on nearly 80,000 speed traps throughout the United States and Canada.