“National Campaign To Stop Red Light Running” Is A Sham Organization

It’s like they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

This is from the current front page of their website advertising a “Focus On Safety” Symposium in Florida back in October:

Take a closer look at the three “hosts”: ACS, Redflex, and Nestor Traffic Systems.

Those are three of the biggest red-light ticket camera corporations in the country.

The National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running positions itself as a public safety organization when in fact it’s funded by ticket camera corporations and run by a public relations firm in their employ.

This is an organization that has spearheaded the push for red-light cameras across the country. This is an organization that stands side-by-side with legislators at their press conferences. This is an organization that is frequently quoted as an unbiased source by the media.

It’s clear to anyone who digs a little deeper that The National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running is a sham organization that functions as a lobbying arm for the ticket camera industry.

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