As a way to recap the year, we’ve put together a list of the articles on this blog that were viewed most often during the last twelve months.
1) 6 Cities That Were Caught Shortening Yellow Lights
This article, written in March 2008, showed how some camera manufacturers were shortening yellow lights to increase the number of tickets generated in their client’s cities. Since this article was written, the issue of yellow light timing has been closely watched anytime a ticket camera gets installed. The popularity of this topic led the NMA Foundation to start a separate website, as a way to combat short yellow lights across the country.
2) Should The Driving Age Be Raised To 18?
This article, written by Eric Peters in October 2008, explored the issue of young people and driving. It asks the question: Which has more of an impact on safety — age or experience? This article seemed to be particularly popular with students researching the topic at school.
3) Fight Your Speeding Ticket With Simple Math
Written in December 2007, this article has been a long-time favorite of readers. It explains how to use simple math to defend yourself against an unfair traffic ticket.
4) 7 Ways To Shut Down A Speed Trap
This article, posted in October 2007, is another long-time favorite. It goes through several ways that drivers can fight back against speed traps in their area. The NMA runs a site specifically dedicated to speed traps,, that has been very popular over the past few years as well.
5) 300 MPG Or Conspiracy Theory?
This Eric Peters article from December 2007 gained popularity as gas prices became a national concern. It’s a review of the Aptera, a futuristic-looking vehicle that claimed to offer up to 300 MPG.
6) 10 Reasons To Oppose Red Light Cameras
This article outlines the NMA’s opposition to red light cameras. It was originally posted to the blog in November 2007.
7) Trial By Declaration: Fight A Traffic Ticket Without Going To Court
In this May 2008 article, the trial by declaration process was explored. It includes the specific laws in states that allow this method of ticket-fighting.
8) The Worst Speed Trap Cities In The United States
This NMA press release, posted to the blog in November 2007, is still getting a lot of attention from drivers looking for the worst speed traps in the country.
9) Red Light Cameras Increase Accidents: 5 Studies That Prove It
This January 2008 article contains five independent studies that demonstrate the failure of red-light cameras as a safety measure.
10) “Stop Red Light Running” Exposed As Corporate Lobbying Group
In October 2007, this article exposed a corporate front group for ticket camera manufacturers masquerading as a public interest organization named “Stop Red Light Running.”
Here’s a bonus list of the five most popular articles written in 2009:
1) Watch Your Wallet When Driving Through These 10 States
2) Pros & Cons: Rear Drive, Front Drive Or All-Wheel Drive
3) Speed Limits: Slower Does Not Mean Safer
4) Where Does The Money From A Speeding Ticket Go?
5) The Ignition Interlock Hoax
What kind of articles do you want to see on the blog in the next year?
Let us know by sending an email to with the subject “Blog Suggestion.”