Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Washington: Statewide Initiative Could Outlaw Traffic Cameras
Red light cameras and speed cameras could disappear from Washington state if initiative guru Tim Eyman decides to bring the issue to voters. Eyman is known for his ability to place anti-tax measures on the statewide ballot that, more often than not, win public support. This year, one option on Eyman’s plate is the statewide expansion of his successful city-by-city anti-camera votes.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Washington: Man Sues After Traffic Cam Ruined Credit Rating
A Tacoma, Washington police lieutenant filed a lawsuit against the city of Fife on December 23 after an undelivered red light camera ruined his credit rating. On New Year’s Day in 2009, a red light camera belonging to Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia photographed Anthony J. Abuan’s car as it made a right-hand turn on a red light at the intersection of 54th Avenue and 20th Street.
Monday, January 9, 2012
New Mexico: Report Finds No Proven Red Light Camera Benefit
The city of Las Cruces, New Mexico commissioned a local university last year to come up with a report justifying the use of red light cameras in the community. After examining city-supplied data New Mexico State University (NMSU) researchers stretched to find something positive to say in a study released Tuesday.
Sunday, January 7, 2012
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Shot, Smashed
Speed cameras in Italy and France were disabled in a number of ways.
Friday, January 5, 2012
Arkansas: Passenger Gets $1 After Excessive Cop Tasering
A passenger who walked away from a traffic stop in Barling, Arkansas was tasered and beaten by local police. Though the force used was excessive, a federal judge ruled on December 27 that Derrol Dee Kirby III should only get $1 for his pain and suffering.
Thursday, January 4, 2012
New Jersey: Bar Owner Sues Cop for Parking Ticket Extortion
The owner of the Whitehorse Martini Bar is suing the Lawnside, New Jersey police department for its role in putting the pub out of business. According to papers filed last month, an officer was trying to shake Carl Pearson down for protection money. When he refused to pay, harassment including the issuing of bogus parking tickets scared away enough customers that the bar was forced to close its doors.