Four terrible bills are pending in the California Legislature. We need your help to defeat all of them. Take 2 simple actions NOW to stop these bad bills. For each bill:
1. Send an email
2. Make one phone call
It’s that simple. We’ve set everything up for you. Just click on one of the bills to get started.

Stop California Assembly Bill 2583
AB-2583 would lower school zone speed limits to 15 mph and expand the hours when these lower speed limits would be in effect from 7am to 9am and from 2pm to 5pm. Meaning, speed limits on 55 mph roadways would lower to 15 mph at times when no children are present. This is just an excuse to lower speed limits and give more tickets.

Stop California Senate Bill 1297
SB-1297 would add another city to the six cities already authorized to run a speed camera pilot program. The number of cities that would be allowed to run this pilot program was negotiated in good faith, but now, before the pilot program has even started, they want to add more cities. What’s the big deal about one more city? If we don’t stop this expansion now, they will keep adding more and more cities, eventually blanketing the entire state with ticketing cameras.

Stop California Senate Bill 961
SB-961, brought to you by State Senator Scott Wiener, requires all new cars sold in California to have speed governors to limit vehicles to no more than 10 mph over the posted speed limit. This dangerous and unproven technology will put you and your loved ones in peril. This is the most dangerous bill introduced this year and must be stopped as soon as possible.

Stop California Senate Bill 960
SB-960, another terrible bill by State Senator Scott Wiener, requires all transportation projects funded or overseen by Caltrans to include “complete streets” facilities. “Complete Streets” is code for removing car travel lanes (aka “road diets”) in favor of unused bike lanes. This bill will further restrict your ability to use your personal automobile.