Media Kit

For Interviews or Additional Information Contact:               Embargoed until September 1, 2022

Shelia Dunn

NMA Communications Director


608/515-2517 (Cell) (Available for early morning and weekend interviews)


TO: News Directors, Assignment Editors/Managers, Radio/TV Talk Show Producers, and Traffic/Transportation/General Assignment Reporters

 Welcome to Driver Courtesy Month 2022!

(Waunakee, WI): Driver Courtesy means safe driving and for the 2022 Driver Courtesy Month, the National Motorists Association (NMA) has produced 15 animations depicting one aspect of driver courtesy that are now available for download to place on your website or use for broadcast.

This educational effort highlights the different ways motorists can be courteous to other drivers and road users. Courteous driving also means safe driving!

15 NMA Animations on Courtesy Driving

To check out and download the animations with or without voiceover, click here. The topics covered include:

  • Curb your Road Rage
  • Don’t Block Driveways
  • Don’t Tailgate
  • Drive Right, Pass Left
  • Focus on Driver—No Distractions
  • Give Space
  • Merge Courteously
  • No Rubbernecking!
  • Pass with Purpose
  • Park between the Lines
  • Scrape it Off!
  • Stay out of Blind Spots
  • Stop for Emergency Vehicles
  • Weave Baskets, Not Lanes
  • Yield Right

How you can use these downloaded animations produced by the NMA

  •  Present the animations on your website.
  • Use one animation every day or so during a daily traffic report in a morning or noon newscast.
  • You can use each animation with or without the voiceover.
  • Use the voiceovers from the animations for any radio broadcasts.

Each time you use the animations or create a story about driver courtesy, please direct viewers to

After you finish your story, please let the NMA know that you did a story by contacting us at

We greatly appreciate your efforts to help motorists drive safer and more courteously!

Other Story Suggestions for Driver Courtesy Month 

  • Write a short news story for any of your news reports to let viewers know that September is Driver Courtesy Month—Drive like you want others to drive and Driving Courteously is a Safer Way to Drive. Point views to the website, sponsored by the National Motorists Association.
  • Focus an entire week of stories on five different aspects of driver courtesy using the animations and your own video.
  • Interview motorists on the street about what they believe makes a courteous driver.
  • Interview motorists on the street about what they believe does not make a courteous driver.
  • Create a story on why it’s vital to keep up with your driving skills long after your initial driver education course.
  • Produce a story or a week of stories that discusses various state driving laws that have changed in the past five years.

Feel free to pitch the NMA your story idea to learn how we might help. Find below the accompanying logo for Driver Courtesy Month 2022.

Don’t hesitate to contact NMA Communications Director Shelia Dunn for more information or an interview. She is available any time during the month of September. Call her during business hours (CST) at 608/849-6000 or her cell anytime at 608/515-2517. Also, contact her via email at

About the NMA

The National Motorists Association is the national advocate for drivers—in the courts, on the streets, and in their vehicles.

The NMA is a nonpartisan, grassroots, nonprofit dedicated to protecting the civil rights of motorists. In addition to its advocacy work on behalf of the nearly 250 million licensed drivers in the United States and Canada, the NMA provides research and educational materials to improve traffic safety and related policies by informing the public. Driver Courtesy Month is one of those current educational efforts.

The National Motorists Association relies on the support of its thousands of members and donations from drivers’ rights proponents. It is not funded by any special interest group (other than motorists-at-large) or industry.

Among the principles advocated by the NMA:

  • Traffic safety through sound engineering and hands-on driver training
  • Traffic laws fairly written and reasonably enforced
  • Freedom from arbitrary traffic stops and unwarranted searches and seizures
  • Freedom from invasive surveillance
  • Full due process for motorists
  • Reasonable highway user fees for maintaining and improving roads and bridges—not for funding non-highway projects
  • Motorists’ rights that keep pace with technological advances

Charitable contributions to the nonprofit 501 (c)(3) National Motorists Association are tax-deductible when deductions are itemized.
