Buying a car is the dream of every single person. Before buying new, most people prefer to buy a used car. There are numerous options available in the market, and hybrid cars are quite popular. Hybrid cars, also known as green cars, are not fully electric nor fully gas-powered but a combination of both. In hybrids, there are some options available.
- Series hybrids: The use of the gasoline engine in this type of vehicle is only to charge the battery. Otherwise, the electric engine is dominant. Power is directly supplied from the battery to the electric motor. The luxurious Frisker Karma hybrid car is the best example of the series hybrids.
- Parallel hybrids: In parallel hybrids, the transmission is attached to conventional and electric both engines. Both engines power up the car at the start. In this type of hybrid, the generator is used to charge the battery. This hybrid vehicle is suitable for long drive lovers as the parallel hybrids are known for their fuel efficiency. Honda’s Insight and the Prius from Toyota are the best examples for parallel hybrids.
- Mild hybrids: People who are looking for the least expensive hybrid car should go with mild hybrids. When extra power is required to drive the vehicle, the electric engine supports the gasoline engine, and after the need ends, the control unit automatically shuts the electric motor. The users of this hybrid facilitate with the car that is fuel-efficient and green. Toyota Crown from Toyota was launched as a mild hybrid car.
- Fully hybrids: In a fully hybrid car, the electrical engine and gasoline engine perform together. Toyota is selling a fully hybrid car as Toyota Crown 2008 model.
- Plug-in hybrids: This type of hybrid gasoline engine handles the operation when the battery runs down. Standard electric outlets are needed to charge the battery pack of the car. These types of hybrids are most commonly found on the roads of China, Japan, Canada, and the US. Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, and Toyota are manufacturing and selling these hybrids.
Before you begin looking cars on-site, learn the lingo of hybrid vehicles, the different types of hybrids, and which companies have models of the particular kind you would be most interested in owning and pricing. The Internet is a great place to begin. Figure out your budget for the purchase and also prepare yourself for the repair and maintenance expenses of the vehicle. Below are a few tips to guide you on the purchase of a used hybrid car:
Certified Used Hybrid Car Dealers
Make a list of certified used car dealers in the area. Certified dealers can provide great offers, accurate prices, and hassle-free dealing. Don’t let anybody rush you into any decision. A certified hybrid car dealer can offer you numerous options to meet your requirements and budget. Many cities have portals like Auto City in San Diego. Check out your local one to find the hybrid used car landscape in your area.
The Help of Hybrid Technicians
If you don’t have the necessary technical knowledge about the hybrid, talking with, and trusting a hybrid technician to help you make the decision is essential. Whenever you go to evaluate a hybrid don’t forget to bring a hybrid technician with you or to take the car to him or her. Your technician can check the vehicle on all aspects and then will give you the update on the currents status of parts, running life, user’s style of driving a car, accidental or no accidental condition and many others. By doing so, you can confidently decide to buy the vehicle or wait for something better suited.
Battery Life
Hybrid cars have an expected life span of 100,000 miles. Unfortunately, the battery replacement cost is quite expensive. Checking the battery condition is the most important thing to check before you make your mind to buy a particular used hybrid car. If the car already has more than 100,000 miles and it is more than eight years old car than it might be the wrong decision to buy this particular car.
Frequent Brake Jobs
Never judge a car by its cover. Check the brakes, engine, and tires thoroughly. Ask if you could review the service record, and make sure that you have your independent hybrid technician look at the vehicle to see if it is up to speed. Take your time to decide and feel free to visit the car more than once if possible. Bring a friend who also has a hybrid to give pointers and his or her opinion of the vehicle.
Owning the first green car is already a great experience in itself. Your smart buy will encourage others also to buy a used hybrid car.
Lisa Mitchell is a San Diego based Auto Financing blogger with many years of experience covering selling and buying cars in San Diego, plus the financing and trading aspects. She started her carrier at Auto City in 2010. Auto City only offers the highest-quality used cars for sale at extremely competitive prices. That special combination of quality and affordability adds up to one thing – real value to you, the customer.