• General Information

  • Contact for proposed project

  • Principal Investigator

  • Project Specifics

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 10000.
  • Project Summary

    In no more than 200 words, please summarize your proposed work. Attach your answer. Your response must be typewritten. Be sure your name is at the top of each attached sheet.
  • Project Budget - Itemization of Cash Expenses

  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$ 
  • Project Budget - Itemization Of Project Income

  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$
  • Item Name$ 
  • Project Narrative

    Please provide the following information about your project. Your brief proposal narrative should be no more than four double-spaced pages, typed in 12-point font. Attach your answer. Your response must be typewritten. Be sure your name is at the top of each attached sheet. The proposal should be in traditional narrative format. Be sure to address the following points. a) A brief description of the topic to be addressed and its significance; b) A statement of the project’s principle objectives; c) A description of the research or evaluation methodology (or demonstration approach) to be used; d) A description of how the project findings would complement related work already completed or currently underway; e) Plans to disseminate the research findings, including target audiences; f) The qualifications of the applicant and key project staff.
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, txt, odt, rtf, Max. file size: 100 MB.


Please note:

  • Grant applications will be judged on the overall beneficial impact on the driving public, and by a commitment by the applicant(s) to see the project through to completion
  • The NMA Grant Review Committee has final authority in approving or rejecting grant applications, in determining grant size, and in approving project expenditures