Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
New Jersey Governor Flip-Flops Again On Red-Light Cameras
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) has once again reversed his position on red-light cameras. He started last year as a unabashed supporter of automated ticketing machines only to change his mind a few months later, announcing in April that no more red-light cameras could be installed in New Jersey, pending renewal of the camera program by the state legislature in December 2014. In October, Christie said he was going to “work with” state Assemblyman Declan J. O’Scanlon Jr. (R-Monmouth) to come up with a “solution” to the red-light camera problem. Appearing on New Jersey 101.5 radio’s “Ask the Governor” show last week, however, Christie turned on his former legislative ally.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Kentucky Supreme Court Chides Cops For Searching Litterbug Motorist
Kentucky’s highest court on Thursday admonished police officers that they cannot force motorists out of a vehicle and search them merely because they refuse to answer questions. The court took up the traffic stop of Thomas Frazier, 48, who was waiting in a fast food drive-through lane on June 7, 2008 when a friend of his son’s, a passenger, tossed some trash out of the window. Boone County Sheriff Deputies Mike Moore and Nate Boggs were behind in an unmarked patrol car and decided to follow Frazier’s silver Ford.
Monday, September 02, 2013
Missouri: Governor Battles Legislature Over Uninsured Motorists
Should uninsured drivers involved in accidents be eligible for big-money lawsuit payouts? The state legislature says no, but the governor says yes. The battle between the two sides comes to a head on September 11 as lawmakers return for a veto override session.
Sunday, September 01, 2013
New York, France, Germany, Romania: Spontaneous And Deliberate Speed Camera Destruction
A mobile speed camera vehicle in Romania destroyed itself on Thursday. While issuing tickets on the DN1 between Sibiu and Sebes, a photo-radar-equipped Dacia Logan sedan suddenly caught fire. The driver of the speed camera car immediately called for help and tried to use a portable extinguisher, but both he and the firefighters failed to prevent the car from burning to the ground.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Cop Sues Over DC Speed Camera Program
A veteran police officer is suing the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department after he was punished for blowing the whistle on corruption in the speed camera unit. Sergeant Mark Robinson has spent 23 years on the force, with five years of experience working on the automated traffic enforcement unit. He was kicked off the detail and had his take-home pay slashed for speaking up about what he saw. On Tuesday, Robinson filed suit in the US District Court for the District of Columbia asking for his job back.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Corruption Hits Red-Light Camera Company Bottom Line
Redflex Traffic Systems announced on Wednesday that its after-tax profit had plunged 51.6 percent over the past twelve months. The Australian firm continues to reel from revelations that top company management set up a $2 million scheme to bribe the Chicago, Illinois official responsible for the camera contract. As a result, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said his city would no longer do business with Redflex.