Parker Road, Four Oaks, NC–Photo by DanDT (cc by 4.0)

1.    National Focus

2.   Top Regional and Local Headlines

3.   Motorist Corner

4.   Best from Auto Press

5.   Opinion


National Focus

CBS News reported this past week that gas prices fall under $3 for the first time since winterTransport Topics, though, reported that diesel Surges 20.6¢ to $5.115 a GallonReuters reported that oil is up nearly three percent because OPEC+ agrees to a small oil output cut.

Another frightening reality was reported in California: More pain at the pump? Man caught on camera switching gas pump nozzles in Roseville. Here’s the rest of the national and international Driving News this week:

Data Privacy and Surveillance Headlines                                                         

Traffic Safety Driving News Headlines                                                             

Police Action News This Week                                                                        

Auto Tech Watch This Week                                                                            

National Driving News Headlines This Week                                                    

International Driving News Headlines This Week                                             

For a daily dose of motorist rights news, check out the NMA Driving News Feed today! 


 Top Regional and Local Headlines



New York City Congestion Pricing

New York

Rhode Island 


Washington State     

Other Regional and Local Driving News Headlines

Motorist-Related Legislative News

Check out the NMA State Pages today! 


Motorist Corner

Driver Courtesy Month 2022 begins and the NMA featured our 15 animations produced this year in this week’s E-Newsletter.

We will also feature Driver Courtesy Month in each of the five Friday Driving in America Blogs this month.  The first one: Driver Courtesy Month 2022 Begins! This post features three of the 15 driver courtesy animations. In our other Driving in America blog this week, a question asked and answered: What Should Drivers Know About Upgrading Their Suspension?

In The Car Coach vlog, Lauren Fix, discusses in-depth which other states might be considering to follow California in banning gas-powered cars

NMA Blogger Eric Peters reviews the 2022 VW Atlas Cross Sport.


If you have written and had posted a motorist rights advocacy letter-to-the-editor or find a news story where the NMA is mentioned, please send us the link via email Here are some links of interest: the NMA websiteNMA Issues Pages, and the NMA Blog. Check them out today! 


Best from Auto Press



Two Lanes of Driving Behavior–Are you a safe driver? Are you a compliant driver?

The first question is, are you a safe driver? This gets at acting in the safety and interests of other drivers (signals or no signals, signs or no signs). The second question is, are you a compliant driver? This gets at to what degree you obey all of the “rules of the road.” Does being a compliant driver make you inherently a safe driver? If we conducted random interviews, I bet 99 percent would say yes.

But is there a difference?

(click on title for full op-ed)