Roundup: April 3, 2017

In this week’s Roundup!

–R&T is wrong about RLCs–

–School bus cams pass in TX–

–KS Crt clears man of stoplight burnout–

Friday, March 31, 2017
OPINION: Road And Track Is Wrong About Red-Light Cameras
A Road and Track column published last week mused about the potential of using automated enforcement in a positive manner. Its author, Jack Baruth, is full of wishful thinking in his call for the return of red-light cameras. The same wide-eyed, gullible types who think the mere act of painting a number on a sign suddenly makes the public adhere to a speed limit’s arbitrary value tend to also believe the presence of red-light cameras magically reduces red light running.

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Texas Senate Passes Bill Allowing School Bus Cameras
The Texas state Senate on Wednesday followed the lead of Ohio and used a bill promoted as “banning” red-light cameras as a vehicle to authorize a new form of photo enforcement. Those watching Wednesday’s session live could be forgiven for not noticing the lightning-quick shift in which the bill’s sponsor, state Senator Bob Hall (R-Canton), spoke about camera enforcement as a hazard to both public safety and constitutional rights — just before he quietly informed the Senate’s presiding officer that he accepted an amendment allowing the installation of ticketing cameras on school buses.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Virginia Governor Slams Macquarie And Its Tolling Practices
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) says he is fed up with Macquarie. Since 2012, the Australian toll road giant and its Swedish partner, Skanska, have run the downtown and midtown toll tunnels and the MLK freeway extension in Hampton Roads under a deal that does not expire until the year 2070. McAuliffe said on last week’s “Ask the Governor” program on WTOP radio that he would take action to curb Macquarie’s abuse of motorists.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Kansas Supreme Court Clears Man Charged With Stoplight Burnout
A quick stoplight burnout, while stationary, is not an “exhibition of speed,” the Kansas Supreme Court ruled earlier this month. A majority of justices came to this conclusion in finding that Officer Donald Bowers lacked the authority to pull over Travis Sharp on January 25, 2013 after he briefly spun his SUV’s tires at a stoplight.

Monday, March 27, 2017
Canada, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Thwarted
Vigilantes in Saskatchewan, Canada took out a speed camera on March 17. According to the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, officials believe the automated ticketing machine on Circle Drive South in Saskatoon was rammed by a car that ripped apart the machine and damaged its mounting base.

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