Indiana House Bill 1169 – Highway Work Zone Ticket Camera Pilot Program
Bill No.:
HB 1169
Bill Location:
Indiana•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
Highway worksite safety. Authorizes the Indiana state police and the Indiana department of transportation to establish a pilot program for the deployment of an automated worksite speed control system to enforce highway worksite speed limits. Provides that a worksite speed limit violation recorded by an automated worksite speed control system may not be enforced unless the violation is at least 12 miles per hour above the established worksite speed limit. Replaces the term "work zone" with "worksite" throughout the relevant statutes.
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE January 4, 2021: Bill died in committee
Bill HB 1169 was introduced to the House on January 8, 2020. It has been referred to the Roads and Transportation Committee.
The bill proposes the establishment of a pilot program to allow the use of speed enforcement technology within highway work zones. The NMA is opposed to the use of speed cameras. Proper advance warning to motorists of a work zone ahead and smooth transitioning of lanes through the construction zone is safer than after-the-fact enforcement by revenue-driven ticket cameras.
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